Candy is talking at the phone. A boss hires hitwoman Regina to eliminate her, because she is a witness of a criminal action.
Regina breaks into the apartment and reaches Candy. She grabs her from behind, keeping her quiet with a tight gloved handgag. She throws her to the wall and pulls out a chloro cloth. She puts it over Candy's mouth and nose. Candy struggles and makes muffled screams. The chloroform makes her weaker and after a couple of minutes she passes out.
Hitwoman ties up and gags her with duct tape on the chair. She likes playing fetish games before finishing their victim, so she takes off her shoes and puts her stinky feet over her mouth and nose, forcing her to smell them. She pinches her nose with toes, cutting her air.
Regina takes a piece of duct tape and puts it over her nose. She has fun to see the fear in her victim eyes whom can't breath. She keeps the tape for over a minute, then she removes it.
Candy tries to call for help, but Regina puts a gloved hand over her mouth. Then she handsmothers her with both gloved hands. Time for play is finished. Hitwoman takes a rope and ties it around Candy's neck. She strangles her, pulling the rope until Candy passes out for the last time.
Models: Regina, Candy
Time 17:53
Size 400 MB
Format MP4